Friday, August 3, 2018

Favourite Things Friday

Hi friends,
Are you all as ready for the weekend as I am? We have no plans besides maybe putting in a baseboard. I painted the living room yesterday so stay tuned if you want to see before and after pics next week. Since I painted yesterday while Kiddos were having a fun day at grandparents house with cousins, the house still smells of paint and furniture is not put back. I opted to head out for the morning which leads me to one of my favourite things, FUNDAYS!
If you are in Jackson and haven't checked it out, you really should.

They have a cafe which I order a coffee and sit on the comfy couches while I watch the kids play or read a book or plan in my planner or visit with many options.

Here are a few photos from today's play time.
They also have arts and crafts section, games and puzzles, lots of books and magazines for kids and adults too.
On the way out the kids get to pick what colour balloon to take home which makes leaving a bit easier. Usually my kids are tuckered out anyway from all the fun. :)

Monday, January 1, 2018

Word of the Year

Hey guys!
It sure has been a while. I'm sure things have changed for you as they have for me. We have added a little baby girl to our family who we were expecting to be a boy as per the ultrasound tech's professional opinion...SURPRISE! more on that story later. Right now I want to talk about the new year starting now. Happy New Year's everyone.

I've heard this idea of choosing a word for 2018 floating around the interweb and decided I would do it for this year. HOWEVER, I am thinking my word could change after half a year or what so, things don't usually fit so neatly into a year like we want them to. I prayed about my word for the year and I am going to admit... I don't really like it. The word is FOCUS. I am not naturally a focused person and I have never really worked on it either...simply because I don't want to. To me, focus sounds so rigid, boring and a lot of work. am I lazy? a bit. SO this year even though I wanted to change my word to intentional or purpose, focus is what it must be.
Do you have a word for 2018??
I'd love to know what it is.  :)