Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend with Jake in Canada

I love playing games, and especially winning them. Alyssum, Matt Laird, Jake and I went to Mandy and Matt's new place in Petrolia this weekend and had such a wonderful time! Mandy made excellent brownies, popcorn, hotchocolate and chips and salsa... all so goood. I love their new place! We played things and balderdash. I won at things, and lost balderdash. I learned some new vocab as well, matt ottaway introduced me to a new word, which i had no idea meant. now i do. I learned other things as well. boys are ridiculous. Next, on Saturday, Jake and I went to Swiss Chalet for lunch and then the wheels inn where he won the jumping jackpot game and we got 150 tickets! haha, we bought a barrell of monkeys, 2 pencils and 2 bouncy balls. Then we played some Halo and Fables, I had a lot of fun with Jake. He's an amazing person, really. We visited my gramma and went to bulk barn, where i realized i lost 10 bucks!!! errr.. i am stil mad about that. 
well..i have a LOT of homework to do, so i am going to get working on that now. I will write more stories later!!


Britt said...

Did my Christmas blanket make it across the border?

Melanie Eccles said...

"Things"? I never heard of that game. But I imagine it would be fine.

Sounds like a great weekend. You guys are good at fun dates. :)